1The list draws on statistics gathered by British security researcher Scott Helme.
2As a security researcher I see this as an increased attack surface.
3I am a security researcher, computer hacker, and co-founder of Openpath Security.
4That's the message of Barnaby Jack, a software-cracking whiz turned digital- security researcher.
5And more are sprouting up, said food security researcher Brittany Kesselman.
6WIRED Opinion About Marie Moe is a security researcher with SINTEF.
7Zalewski isn't the first security researcher to take reporters to task this summer.
8Heck, I'm a security researcher, and I'm fuzzy about what all that means.
9According to an Australian digital security researcher, it's no bug.
10We also have with us Nate Warfield, who is a security researcher at Microsoft.
11The problem was discovered by security researcher Vinny Troia and reported by WIRED in June.
12In July, security researcher Jake Appelbaum was intercepted at a New Jersey airport and detained.
13You can check for sure at HaveIBeenPwned, a site operated by security researcher Troy Hunt.
14But, as security researcher Charlie Miller points out, it all depends on where you're standing.
15Microsoft may have a tough time fixing the Windows shortcut vulnerability, a security researcher said today.
16Limit is just your imagination, said Rosario Valotta, an independent Internet security researcher based in Italy.