Excessively or hypocritically pious.
1Everyone's out to prove a point in the most self-righteous way possible.
2Feel free to leave indignant and self-righteous comments below-butno spoilers, please.
3It was, of course, inappropriate, and there were shrieks of self-righteous anger.
4He questions everything with vigor as a self-righteous anger smolders within him.
5She always did her Jesus walk when she was feeling particularly self-righteous.
6Our self-righteous Mistress Marlin is a naïve woman, I think.' I sighed.
7Not the self-righteous, not they that have no need of the physician.
8You and your self-righteous virtue shall become a jest to the world.
9He was never angry with any, save the proud and self-righteous Pharisees.
10Her expression was beseeching, like, Drummond, please, fight your self-righteous instincts .
11Just a simply a shrill and tacitly self-righteous anger on Jesus's behalf.
12You think you wander a world filled with self-righteous morons, don't you?
13Like the other men you've chosen, he was opinionated, self-righteous and argumentative.
14That last fact might shatter Damon's self-righteous pretense, so keep it quiet.
15Although the man himself was a complete self-righteous pain in the arse.
16But the people in Paris were a bunch of stuck-up, self-righteous pricks.