Contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions.
Examples for "complacent"
Examples for "complacent"
1The market in short is complacent, with a good bit of cynicism.
2That's a good sign but we're certainly not going to be complacent.
3The government is worried New Zealanders are becoming complacent about the virus.
4Police Assistant Commissioner Richard Chambers says it's important people don't get complacent.
5Unfortunately, it is easy to become complacent by measuring the wrong things.
1If Stockholm's residents seem particularly smug these days, it's for good reason.
2The smug animal is falling in love with her in his way.
3Their best hope was to keep the ancient enemy smug and complacent.
4And if you're from anywhere else in Europe, don't be too smug.
5There were no words to express his disgust at her smug superiority.
1In practice doubtless I should be as self-complacent as any other man.
2His self-complacent reflections were cut short by the entrance of his daughter.
3It was self-complacent, yet there was small apparent ground for such complacence.
4The effect of this was to make me anything but self-complacent.
5I recognised him at once by his corpulency and self-complacent air.
1He left to catch the train to Carpledon in a self-satisfied mind.
2He arrived at Maisons in the most cheerful, self-satisfied frame of mind.
3Solonet remained therefore in a self-satisfied condition of hope and becoming respect.
4And he smiled in a sly self-satisfied way at his pious pun.
5Sacha Baron Cohen's latest send-up is funny if a bit too self-satisfied.
6The grossest vice is not so thorough a barrier as self-satisfied self-righteousness.
7The first man I recognized was Faltonius Bambilio, unmistakably pompous and self-satisfied.
8He was more red-faced and self-satisfied, if possible, than the day before.
9He kept that pleased, self-satisfied grin on his face for six blocks.
10His face was pale, and wore a rather serious, but self-satisfied look.
11She is a large, ungenteel woman, with self-satisfied and would-be elegant manners.
12Hasty, dogmatical, self-satisfied reason is worse than idle fancy or bigoted prejudice.
13He could recognize it on Manning despite the man's casual, self-satisfied expression.
14He was but the ghost of the gay, self-satisfied, good-natured, jolly Rowland.
15He struck me as a dapper man, noticeably, but not offensively, self-satisfied.
16Argue with these gross self-satisfied fellows about the turpitude of the artisans!