The trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior.
Resolute adherence to your own ideas or desires.
1It needs much discipline and watchfulness; it excludes all self-will and selfishness.
2Johnson asserted the power of intellect and self-will over mind and body.
3There is music in heaven, because in music there is no self-will.
4In this case, the bondage of self-will is found to be absolute.
5There was neither self-will, perverseness, nor antagonism, in this; but paralysis instead.
6Those lines of self-will about the eyes and mouth surely meant something.
7But we always see too late the consequences of our proud self-will.
8How often do rashness, precipitation, and self-will accompany our determinations and movements.
9So perfect was his submission, that he seemed to have no self-will.
10As He had not, to do it was not faith, but self-will.
11It is our self-will, our aspirations, our dreams, that must be sacrificed.
12Do you think you hold a charter of freedom for your self-will?
13What strange blindness of stubborn self-will to such open evidence of power!
14How much so-called Christian worship glows with self-will or with partisan zeal!
15Holy Mother, may I not sin through a vain curiosity or self-will!
16The value of the death of Christ consisted in the surrender of self-will.
Translations for self-will