Semantic field aspect of a category for Wiktionary pages.
Examples for "field"
Examples for "field"
1Recently the problem has started receiving attention from those within the field.
2The research challenges often persist after researchers return home from the field.
3The field guidance reports usually come out several days after the event.
4It has also led the field in France, China, Germany and Russia.
5South Korea and China are leaders in this treatment field, she said.
1Today is the perfect day, and topic, for a New Year resolution.
2The South China Sea was a key topic for ASEAN foreign ministers.
3Is climate change a different topic for debate because it is political?
4The book panel's main topic of discussion was 2020's hot new releases.
5He quickly changed the subject back to a more comfortable topic: war.
1Up-regulation of miR-214 in SKOV-3 cell line suppressed the sema 4D expression in both protein and nucleic acid levels.
2Nay, there are philosophers who maintain that even in life we are dead, and that the body (soma) is the tomb (sema) of the soul.
3This study is aimed to investigate the cellular role of miR-214 and demonstrate that miR-214 negatively regulated sema 4D in ovarian cancer cells.
4Therefore, the data also demonstrated that sema 4D was the direct target of miR-214 and was negatively regulated by miR-214 in ovarian cancer cells.
5With Sema and her girls...but they don't want us there no more.
1Previous data using semantic categories word lists supports this, but lists approximating to text have produced the opposite result.
2Ten healthy subjects were asked to covertly generate nouns belonging to two semantic categories (Animals and Tools).
Translations for semantic category