Type of memory referring to general world knowledge that we have accumulated throughout our lives, which is intertwined in experience and dependent on culture.
During follow-up, the improvement in semanticmemory was greater in the older patients.
In theory, semanticmemory may trigger and support the execution of everyday activities.
Preservation of memory for people in semanticmemory disorder: Further category-specific semantic dissociation.
This region is involved in semanticmemory, processing word meanings and general knowledge about the world.
Scores on both word fluency tests for semanticmemory were significantly influenced by age over time.
Today's tech helps mostly with retrospective or semanticmemory, events or facts we've encountered in the past.
Anomia for common names and geographical names with preserved retrieval of names of people: A semanticmemory disorder.
Recently, three accounts have emerged on the role of the anterior temporal lobes (ATLs) in semanticmemory.
Across both fluency tasks, switching demonstrated generally small correlations with standard clinical measures of executive functions, working memory, and semanticmemory.
The findings are discussed in the context of a variety of accounts that examine whether semanticmemory has a categorical structure.
Even when some tests require more than perceptual memory, they can be successfully performed using declarative semanticmemory without episodic memory.
There is no convincing evidence, however, of modular effects on the way that information about familiar people is represented in semanticmemory.
Objectives: This long-term prospective study focuses on the effects of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) on everyday memory function and on semanticmemory function.
The conjoint effects of priming in the left fusiform gyrus suggest its involvement as a direct consequence of the neural organization of semanticmemory.
We argue that competition or synergy between these RSNs at the time of stimulus encoding disproportionately influences long term semanticmemory consolidation in healthy controls.
Everyday memory function was assessed by means of the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) and semanticmemory by 2 forms of the word fluency test.