Encara no tenim significats per a "send abroad".
1What kind of a reputation is that for you to send abroad?
2Before Whitney invented his cotton-gin how much cotton did we send abroad?
3This meeting further decides to send abroad from the above-mentioned Committee, Messrs. C.R.
4It was not immediately clear how much uranium Iran would need to send abroad.
5One must send abroad to obtain even a review, and wait months for its coming.
6Mr. Harrington told us how they do to get so much honey as they send abroad.
7That which you pay at home will stay there; that which you send abroad will come back.
8Nevertheless, they send abroad to discover the customs of nations, and the best of these they always adopt.
9The coin we send abroad is only bullion when it gets there, and most dealers prefer government bars.
10So how much of the UK's waste is recycled, and how much of it do we send abroad?
11For many Korean churches, the number of missionaries they send abroad is a reflection of the strength of their congregation.
12While the Mormons continued to send abroad glowing pictures of the prosperity of Nauvoo, less prejudiced accounts gave a very different view.
13Our merchants are altogether too indifferent about using American ships for the transportation of goods which they send abroad or bring home.
14To send abroad any great quantity of it, therefore, would be to send abroad a part of the necessary subsistence of the people.
15Did the solemn inquiry break forth through our land, Is the dreadful necessity indeed laid upon us to send abroad death and woe?
16There is a compulsion whereby a poet as it were has to send abroad the fair thought and knowledge wherewith he has been graced.
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Send abroad per variant geogràfica