Examples for "hexad"
Examples for "hexad"
1For the tassels, add a thick bunch of threads to each group of 6 threads that issues from the work.
2The group of 6 are part of New Zealand's Leprosy Mission and they're there to give back to their home country.
3The sources said Alibaba aimed to put together a group of 6-7 banks by early February.
4And on Wednesday, a group of 6 nations including the United States said they would give $3.5 billion to help slow deforestation.
5The study included 8 stage I cases; 16 stage II; 17 stageIII; and a control group of 6 samples of normal cervical squamous epithelial tissue.
1One set of six-inch ivory plotting-scales, with offset scales complete: 4 pounds.
2The matched set of six-shooters with the dark handles-Dearborn'sguns, surely-weregone.
3A set of six will make a lovely gift or self gift.
4And you say you have a set of six to correspond.
5A set of six exceedingly good and rare sporting prints caught his eye.
1Methods and materials: The computed tomography data sets of 6 patients were included.
Translations for set of 6