The royal family of England had sustained three severeshocks in the compass of a few months.
This cylindrical formation enables them to sustain the severeshocks in descending rough mountains at full speed.
On the 11th of May, we felt two severeshocks of an earthquake, but received no kind of damage.
He therefore stood toward one, but before reaching it the vessel received one or two severeshocks from passing floes.
Although their effect may be delayed, severeshocks from burns and over-excitement are apt to prove fatal to the aged.
In experimenting with lightning and Franklin's pointed rods in Europe, several scientists received severeshocks, in one case with a fatal result.
However, it sometimes happens that, in the most severeshocks, the person who comes into immediate contact with the fish alone feels them.
The two severeshocks he has sustained would almost kill a stronger man, let alone an old man of so delicate an organization.
It is true that, during the past year, parts of Sicily and Calabria have been visited with severeshocks, occasioning much damage to property.
When such things happened, and discourses like Beale's were heard, it was not surprising that Ambrose's faith in the clergy as guides received severeshocks.