The ShanghaiCooperationOrganisation leaders called for settling "the Iran nuclear problem through political and diplomatic means".
After all, to a certain extent, the ShanghaiCooperationOrganisation is all about China and Russia cooperating, said Zhao.
The two men are expected to be attending a meeting of the ShanghaiCooperationOrganisation member countries' defence ministers in the Russian capital.
Hu said in an interview with state media on Wednesday that the ShanghaiCooperationOrganisation wants to play a bigger role in Afghanistan.
June 2009 - Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari meet on the sidelines of the ShanghaiCooperationOrganisation summit in Russia.
Afghanistan is expected to become a major topic at a summit of the ShanghaiCooperationOrganisation (SCO) in the Urals city of Yekaterinburg on Monday.
Translations for shanghai cooperation organisation