Encara no tenim significats per a "share the lot".
1We ought to stop and share the lot of the poor converts.
2My dear young friend, you only share the lot of many others.
3And one thing more-coulda daughter of Moisio venture to share the lot of a poor settler?
4She knew it would be difficult if not impossible and she preferred to share the lot of her people.
5This is he with whom I hoped to share the lot of reconciling the quarrel of races and of ages!
6We are in the world and of the world as other men are, and we share the lot of human existence.
7They have learned to do evil, they have to share the lot of those who had not kept their first estate.
8That he, from this time forth, would share the lot of his adored sahib appeared to him a matter of course.
9Both had been poor, and the wife was ready and willing to share the lot of her young husband, whether in joy or sorrow.
10Now it seemed to him that there was nothing to be done, save to share the lot of the Spaniards, whatever that might be.
11It was most unwelcome, for my heart was knit to Ireland, and to share the lot of her devoted people was its earnest desire.
12She meant to go with her children, and beg of the Assembly that they might share the lot of the king, whatever it might be.
13Our leaders, statesmen and politicians, are there sharing the lot of the others.
14Yet there were many women who would gladly have shared the lot of Hatherly Bell.
15Martinique had shared the lot of Guadaloupe, lately conquered by the English after an heroic resistance.
16Only a lone red truck shared the lot.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Share the lot a través del temps
Share the lot per variant geogràfica