Victory there would be a far more significantgain, but remains uncertain.
Clinical attachment level showed a significantgain in both groups.
Paying more for an energy-efficient appliance will make you a more significantgain over time.
The group said the results represented a significantgain in market share in a competitive environment.
Says group is not expected to recognize any significantgain or loss from the transactions .
Diffra oil field is a significantgain for Abyei, but its production is though to be falling.
When dusk fell, their only significantgain was a hilltop, wrested from the Polish infantry of the 16th Division.
In comparison to the Q1 reading of 50, Indonesia posted a significantgain of 75.
In heterologous expression systems, both mutants showed significantgain-of-function for IKs both with respect to steady-state current levels, kinetic parameters, and heart rate-dependent modulation.
But it still predicts a significantgain, despite a slump in the rupee currency to record lows and threats to India's investment-grade credit rating.
This is mainly due to increased economic activity in emerging markets (including China) and a significantgain in precious metals such as gold.
This study has shown that a modest change in lung function may be associated with clinically significantgain in health and well-being in COPD patients.
Interpretation: IPC is inexpensive, prevents deep vein thrombosis, improves survival but not functional outcomes, and does not lead to a significantgain in quality-adjusted survival.
That's a significantgain from 1 percent in 2000, though still less than the business Goldman did all by itself.
It's a far cry from Adobe Flash's install base (which is over 90%) but it's a significantgain in a short period of time nonetheless.
That was 14% more than in 2012, which in turn had shown a significantgain after a fall in registrations in 2011.