Encara no tenim significats per a "situate in latitude".
1Philadelphia is situate in latitude 39 deg.
2Boston is situate in latitude 42 deg.
3This is a small place, containing about two hundred houses, situated in latitude 37 north.
4Port Macquarie is situated in latitude 31.
5It is situated in latitude 18° 4' S. longitude 163° 10' W.
6It is situated in latitude 18° 4' S. longitude 163° 10'
7This watering place, Ularring, is situated in latitude 29° 35', and longitude 120° 31' 4''.
8It is the light on the island of Fruholmen, situated in latitude 71° 5' north.
9It is situated in latitude 67° 28' 00 north; longitude, by account, 87° 40' west.
10The town of Tsong-gan, one of the great black tea towns near the far famed Woo-e-shan, is situated in latitude 27 deg.
11On the 1st of July we descried Cape Bayados, situated in latitude 26° 12' 30, and in longitude 16° 47'.
12Port Praya Bay, on the island of Saint Jago, is situated in latitude 14° 54' north, and longitude 23° 37' west.
13All the country where I went contains some twenty to thirty leagues, is very fine, and situated in latitude 44° 30'.
14This place is situated in latitude 27 degrees 48 minutes 39 seconds South, and longitude 116 degrees 16 minutes 11 seconds East.
15This country was situated in latitude 41 Degrees 40' N, in the parallel of Rome; and was very fertile and abounded with game.
16Position of Water.-Thewaterholes are situated in latitude 27 degrees 51 south, longitude 142 degrees 40 minutes east, by account from Camp 55.
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