Make a high-pitched, screeching noise.
Examples for "whine"
Examples for "whine"
1A whine was in one voice; in the other was crisp command.
2We don't get many choices, however much we whine about the injustice.
3Suddenly Norma gave a piteous whine; the reptile had bitten her tongue.
4The distant whine of the surveillance drone was far behind them now.
5The transport shuddered, its power drive stalling momentarily in a high-pitched whine.
1The other yawl and its tackle roll and creak in the gale.
2Exactly half an hour after they had retired she heard a creak.
3The gate was turning upon its hinges; I could hear it creak.
4I'm freezing, James said, lowering the casket's lid with another long creak.
5The trawler shifted in the water, and I heard netting creak overhead.
1As it happened, Oswald had a very narrow squeak indeed that night.
2James began to answer, but his voice came out as a squeak.
3Rats run around in them day and night and fight and squeak.
4It lifted with a whiny squeak, obviously complaining from lack of use.
5The wax of the crayon made a soft squeak across the paper.
1There was a metallic screech as he changed gear- agoodsign perhaps.
2A similar screech told Eragon that the second Ra'zac was behind them.
3She wanted to screech out of there but couldn't risk being heard.
4Ingrith's screech of horror was probably heard all the way to Jorvik.
5Another screech of static, then Victory said, Lady Liberty's waiting for you.
1Before Matthew could respond to Andrew's challenge, Corra uttered a warning squawk.
2The feet of the chair squawk against the tile floor in protest.
3Lights were blazing, and the squawk of loudspeakers carried back to me.
4She fell to the needle-carpeted path with a squawk of surprised outrage.
5There was a squawk of static, followed by a grim-sounding male voice.
1The rat stopped under a chair and let out a furious screak.
2Behold, I will screak under you as a wain screaketh that is laden with hay.
3The door gave another screak.
4Along the brick sidewalk stretched a line of ageing wooden pickets and about midway in their extent hung the wooden gate with the screak.
5And the hinges of the temple shall screak in that day, saith the Lord God: many shall die: silence shall be cast in every place.
1Finally, it lifted with a high, rusty skreigh.
2I daur say Mr. Skreigh can sing us the ballant.'
3'Hout fie, Mr. Skreigh; I'se warrant I hae heard you sing a blythe sang on Saturday at e'en before now.
1Gulls dipped down to the surface, skreaking, looking for fish, and he thought he couldn't be in serious trouble if there were birds present.