A form of dancing in which dancers slam into one another; normally performed to punk rock.
Examples for "slam"
Examples for "slam"
1Yet surely it was an error in tactics to slam the door.
2Van Persie picked himself up to slam home from the penalty spot.
3Despite the HD programming, Voom is far from a slam-dunk for consumers.
4He is good enough to win a grand slam -very soon.
5Yesterday Isabel used her powers to slam me up against a wall.
1Titus had one last thrash, one final attempt to pry himself free.
2Either one of them could thrash half the police in New Orleans.
3Henry: Kind of the reason why we like it, especially in thrash.
4With a strangled yell, I regain control of my body and thrash.
5Then he began to thrash around like a thresher in a barn.
1It's a fascinating mosh of the Victorian era, magic and emerging technology.
2The Clenbuterol hit list is a mish-mosh of these sorts of stories.
3But they're the only ones liable to get a mosh pit going.
4Parbleu, we can do you zat mosh good, as veil as anodair.
5But the reality of the mosh pit woke me up to something new.
1They'd all slam danced with survivor's guilt.
Translations for slam dance