Encara no tenim significats per a "slay on".
1Nay, I dream not; slay on, thou priest, and let my sin be purged.
2Rinaldo went every where to hasten the rout; and still had to fight and slay on.
3And when Achilles was weary of slaying, he took twelve alive, whom he would slay on the tomb of Patroclus.
4Guys, we get so excited when South Africans slay on the global stage and have their inventions featured by the global media.
5Rei, watching from afar, groaned aloud, then turned and left the Palace, but the Queen called to the soldiers to slay on.
6They slay on every red carpet they arrive at, and have legions of fans fawning over them after recently becoming household names in South Africa.
7He picked off again by Slay on Chicago's last possession.
8Slay on, ye priests, slay on, or ye yourselves shall die the dreadful death.
9I suppose by this time they're at their old game of plundering and slaying on the frontier.
10All 12 queens slayed on stage.
11Slay on if thou wilt-thou-hast-conquered.
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