A loop formed in a cord or rope by means of a slipknot; it binds tighter as the cord or rope is pulled.
Examples for "noose"
Examples for "noose"
1This new law further tightens the noose, he said in a statement.
2The noose of history tightens; this battle can only end one way.
3But he licked the hand of the boy that tied the noose.
4The boy began spinning the noose of the lariat above his head.
5A simple noose is all you need to make an effective snare.
1He re-coiled it carefully and made a running noose in one end.
2The running noose tightens on his neck, and he gasps for breath.
3He looped the rope in a running noose and lowered it.
4The choking grip of the running noose quieted Golden Eagle into perfect docility.
5I'll make a running noose in this line I brought along.
1Now, with a speculative air, he was making a slip noose at one end.
2A line attached to this leads to a slip noose which fits inside the tube.
3He then put a slip noose around its upper lip and led it unmercifully, while Curtis encouraged it from behind with a rope-end.
4Two ropes would be put about the neck of each animal, with a slip noose, so that he could be choked if too unruly.
5"I just made slip nooses, and placed them where they'd have to step into them before they could lay hands on the clothes," explained Jack.
Translations for slip noose