Encara no tenim significats per a "smashed with".
1Some cars were overturned and others had their windows smashed with bats.
2Their clay images were crude little voodoo dolls which they smashed with enthusiasm.
3Old shotguns were smashed with axes, rusty revolvers were thrown away.
4The top section of the wing was smashed with sections hanging off it.
5The mirrors of a nearby barber's shop were smashed with bullets.
6It's said that his luxurious car was smashed with stones.
7He also denied a vial containing his blood samples was smashed with a hammer.
8Toilets and sinks, along with every step in the staircase, were smashed with a sledgehammer.
9Windows and frames had been smashed with terrific blows.
10A vial of his blood was smashed with a hammer during the tempestuous testing session.
11The chassis and the under plane smashed with a sound of ripping canvas and splintering wood.
12Windows are smashed with bricks and the school property is being destroyed through a one-man rampage.
13I'm him that you smashed with your knee.
14Here was an idol smashed with a vengeance!
15It fell and the pot smashed with a noise that must have been heard throughout the building.
16Markovitch ducked his head, and the glass smashed with a shattering tinkle on the wall behind him.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Smashed with a través del temps
Smashed with per variant geogràfica