Encara no tenim significats per a "so congenial".
1This policy, so congenial to the disposition of Mr. Fox, was adopted.
2He soon surrounded himself with the luxury that was so congenial to him.
3The former declared he had seldom anchored in moorings so congenial to his taste.
4Honestly, I've never met anyone that was so congenial.
5Yet she was not cold, or Daisy had not found in her so congenial a companion.
6I kept on in this strain, so congenial with my disposition, for some time, uninterrupted by him.
7Here, in our own day, what sons of Fame have gone to linger near a society so congenial!
8Burgess was in high spirits at finding so congenial a soul selected for the task of reporting upon him.
9While the determined chiefs held discourse so congenial with the wishes of the youthful knight, Wallace sat almost silent.
10It was a fireside scene of alluring comfort, the two central figures of such opposite characteristics, yet so congenial.
11I do not think I ever met with any one so congenial to my tastes as Miss Melville is.
12Malibran had now learned to dearly love Italy and its impulsive, warm-hearted people, so congenial to her own nature.
13Isn't it great that you and Judy know each other and that the three of us are so congenial?
14These bills passed the commons; but in the upper house the atmosphere was not quite so congenial to their existence.
15She found no company so congenial as theirs; no occupation so agreeable as the humble services which their desolate condition required.
16What companion could the home-tired child of pleasure find so congenial to his tastes as the young and beautiful Elinor Wildegrave?
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
So congenial a través del temps
So congenial per variant geogràfica