Encara no tenim significats per a "so inhospitable".
1I never knew anything so inhospitable as turning her out at this moment.
2After all, their old home was not to prove so inhospitable.
3After all, the wilderness was not so inhospitable.
4I didn't think you were so inhospitable, Mr.
5I'd plumb hate to seem so inhospitable as not to be home, twice hand-runnin', to visitors.
6Landesfallen was so inhospitable that Fallion and his people left within a decade of discovering the continent.
7He had never seen anything so inhospitable.
8I could not be so inhospitable as to send you away hungry at this time of day.
9It seemed so inhospitable, not to say cold-blooded, to send him off to get his breakfast alone.
10The host body must become so inhospitable that the demon can no longer bear to stay within.
11The conditions have never been so harsh or so inhospitable, and people desperately need our help to survive.
12It was useless to remain longer beneath the looming caves, among the stones of so inhospitable a shore.
13But the English are so inhospitable that these letters are hardly worth the paper they are written on.
14You are not usually so inhospitable.
15We could not be so inhospitable as to permit you to start out at this hour of the night.
16But although so fierce a fighter, so inhospitable to every other cat, Phosphor is the most affectionate little soul.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
So inhospitable a través del temps
So inhospitable per variant geogràfica