Encara no tenim significats per a "so manly".
1But he is so kind and gentle, Richard; so manly and strong.
2I have a great admiration for the fellow, he is so manly.
3He looked so handsome and so manly that afternoon at the Holkers'.
4They did nothing so manly as to come down upon us boldly.
5Arthur had become so manly, and we were so proud of him!
6Then he is so manly and modest, so simple and true.
7His father's so manly so strong-likethe letters of a soldier.
8His wooing had not been so manly and so straight as poor Tom's.
9The most charming companion; an intellect so manly, yet so sweet!
10He is so manly in his goodness, and so frank in his religion!
11I loved Tom Blake because he was so manly, so strong!
12I remember him well, so manly and good-looking and going to be a doctor.
13I could not have written anything in so manly and striking a style.-JohnAdams
14Such a nice, kind, handsome man, Enid; so manly and good over it all.
15He was so manly and had such a strong face.
16You never saw such a proud little fellow as he is, and so manly.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
So manly a través del temps
So manly per variant geogràfica