Encara no tenim significats per a "so queer".
1It's so queer how things get mixed up and twisted in life.
2I- Ihateto go-likethis, it seems so -so queer, in this place.
3It just went through me like a knife, it was so queer.
4They might think we made it all up, it is so queer.
5But I thought girls were so queer about things of that sort.
6Now you see what made Fatty Coon feel so queer and uncomfortable.
7I half believe you are shamming all this, you act so queer.
8Ah, I shall remember it; because it is so queer a name.
9And then, she had been so queer about these happenings, of late.
10But one can't see her very well; her position is so queer.'
11What have you done to yourself to make you look so queer?
12It's so queer-andstartling-tothink I've had so much that wasn't mine.
13The lad had never been in so queer a place before.
14I rather like you; you are so queer and talk such odd things.
15Never in all her life had she seen so queer an old figure.
16He seemed nice in some ways, though he was so queer.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
So queer a través del temps
So queer per variant geogràfica