Encara no tenim significats per a "so symmetrical".
1Did you ever see anything so symmetrical in all your life?
2The mind and the character can be so symmetrical that they will lose all charm and all significance.
3He is so symmetrical a rascal!
4A number so symmetrical as that really rises out of the region of science into the region of art.
5And there were her arms, so symmetrical in her rather tight sleeves, and emerging into view in the most delicate wrists.
6The grouping of the rocks of Guanari is so symmetrical that they might be taken for the ruins of an ancient edifice.
7Beneath it long, slender patches of silvery blue rushes made magic hedges, so symmetrical as to seem clipped by the hand of art.
8He was very ready and pleased to show his crook, which, however, was not so symmetrical in shape as those which are represented upon canvas.
9So symmetrical were they that I imagined them works of sculptors.
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