Encara no tenim significats per a "sober colour".
1One was dressed in black, the other in some sober colour or other.
2The dress of the lower ranks was of sober colour, and of stout but coarse texture.
3Objects of beauty surrounded her, which glowed with subdued radiance from their background of sober colour.
4His dress was of a sober colour, and in fashion anterior to anything which I could remember.
5The clothes fitted him well, and were of a sober colour, such as a trusty retainer of a noble house would wear upon a journey.
6I've a taste for sober colours in men and caliky.
7The rooms for the guests were carpeted with sober colours and warmed by high stoves built up of glazed white tiles.
8Brethren, we must paint things in the sober colours of truth; not as they might be supposed to be, but as they are.
9Lizards run about the walks in plenty, about the same size is the green lizard of the South of Europe, but of more sober colours.
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