Encara no tenim significats per a "somali refugees".
1All three countries are already struggling with large numbers of Somali refugees.
2Somali refugees often spend some time in Pakistan before coming to the United States.
3Somali refugees living in Kenya have begun to return home.
4Facebook Twitter Pinterest Somali refugees in eastern Kenya.
5In Kenya, Dadaab is the world's largest settlement, home to hundreds of thousands of primarily Somali refugees.
6He said the big question was whether any of the acceptances will include Iranian or Somali refugees.
7Mr Guterres said there were another 110,000 Somali refugees sheltering in Yemen.
8That posed a problem: The working group had found no evidence that Somali refugees presented a unique threat.
9The city government has a New American Initiative designed to help Somali refugees and other recent immigrants get settled.
10Rights groups have said the government is forcibly sending Somali refugees back into a war zone, charges it denies.
11The United Nations estimates that at least 30,000 Somali refugees live in South Africa.
12The Kenyan government has repeatedly said that it would like the Somali refugees to return home as soon as possible.
13The refugee advocate Ian Rintoul said several Iranian and Somali refugees were refused US resettlement in the last two weeks.
14Some 31,000 Somali refugees have voluntarily returned home from Kenya since December 2014, Mwancha said.
15Dadaab in northern Kenya is home to some 427,000 Somali refugees fleeing famine and war.
16One, Teuvo Hakkarainen, last month suggested that all homosexuals and Somali refugees be exiled to an island in the Baltic.
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