Examples for "soporific"
Examples for "soporific"
1Maybe McFarlane's Scots growl just conveys greater determination than Jenkins's soporific slogans.
2The mere sight of them sparks memories of interminable, soporific biology lessons.
3It was almost soporific, the hauling of the oars, forward and back.
4The next time you smell mignonette, think of it as a soporific.
5Awake, she felt sorry for herself, and sorrow, no soporific, induced sorrow.
1His somniferous voice tended to send his pupils into a waking doze.
2Her study of library-cataloguing, recording, books of reference, was easy and not too somniferous.
3Starlight paddling over reflected stars was enchanting, but somniferous.
4He seemed very tired, overcome with somniferous stupor.
5It was of a remarkably somniferous character,-thecunning Le Duc had evidently some object in playing thus.
1At last the soporiferous fumes of the wine lulled him into a gentle repose.
2The garden is also enriched by the cucumber, the soporiferous poppy, and the daffodil, and the acanthus.
3One of these, Erdaviraph, a young but holy prelate, received from the hands of his brethren three cups of soporiferous wine.
4'July l3.- Icannotthink that I have not again imbibed some soporiferous drug.
5"Whence I conclude," said Fritz, addressing himself, "that my orations must be somewhat soporiferous."
1On the descent into New York, he half awak- ened, to a hypnagogic state.
2A middle-of-the-night state of consciousness that isn't hypnagogic, either.
3He can make his voice hypnagogic if he wants, keep you totally drunk on it.
4But there was a moment, that hypnagogic shift where the thoughts of the day faded into dream and the guards of rationality fell.
5The voices I heard-clipped ,angrysyllables- Iascribedto the combination of listening to Eros for hours on end and the hypnagogic twilight of my mind.
1"Note the decentralized structure of the hypnogogic state-inducers in the hypothalamus." Typhon comments.