1A pregnant pause followed before Homo- soto interrupted the silence.
2Miles caught the derision in Homo- soto's voice and didn't appreciate it one little bit.
3You come back soto-colonello!
4You go away soto-tenente!
5In the middle of the waste plot of ground next to Soto's.
6Already the Gods of our fathers are calling you Soto the Faithful.
7De Soto, world-weary and woe-stricken, died upon the banks of the river.
8Our friends took them off a wrecked De Soto in a K.C.
9Think of all sentient beings as thy children.-Tenetsof the Soto Sect.
10This seemed suspicious, and induced De Soto to investigate the matter thoroughly.
11Pizarro now received from Soto a full account of his late expedition.
12It was Mr. Shopland who arrested young Fairfax that night at Soto's.
13Almost for the first time De Soto's resolute mind now gave way.
14On the stairs he met the Emperor's confessor, Don Pedro de Soto.
15If they agree with De Soto's history, the latter may be correct.
16It was there, ten years later, that Hernando de Soto found them.