Astronaut/cosmonaut responsible for overall mission success, safety of crew and spacecraft, and maneuvering.
Examples for "captain"
Examples for "captain"
1The captain replied, 'That'll change.' Then, 'What was that you said, Ruger?'
2The captain looked grave; Mrs. Willoughby anxious; Beulah interested; and Maud thoughtful.
3I didn't know exactly what was wrong, the former Test captain said.
4His captain saw this as treachery; Pietersen saw it as common sense.
5McGuire, Hugh H., Jr.; enlisted March 10; transferred to cavalry; captain; killed.
1The commander did invaluable work in the Kosovo crisis, Mr Lockhart said.
2He said, 'Her commander is a friend of Sir Richard's, I believe?'
3Joining us is the Far North area police commander, Inspector Chris Scahill.
4A local military commander visited the club this week to offer support.
5However, an Iranian commander said Tehran was prepared to do it again.
1James A. McDivitt, named to be the spacecraft commander, said the experiment will be one of the highlights of the four-day mission.
1Buccari smiled, taking the command pilot's rudeness as a good sign.
2The commanding officer of the fighter group, a full colonel and command pilot, believed that UFO's were real.
3Only the command pilot had remained on board and he was in the final process of unbelting when Kassad shot him.
4He was command pilot for the Gemini 8 mission and backup command pilot for the Gemini 11 mission, both in 1966.
5But RAF Fighter Command pilot Ray Holmes, whose Hurricane's eight guns had just run out of ammo, had other ideas.
1Dad was mission commander; of course he would have kept a visual souvenir.
2Stalemate, right at the end of the meeting Dave Scott, mission commander, gave his opinion on it.
3President," said Cochran, "you'll have the mission commander's quarters.
4The air mission commander, Clay Hutmacher, was sitting in the jump seat just behind the two pilots.
5In "Gravity," Bullock plays a novice astronaut and engineer alongside Clooney as a mission commander.
1"The presence of one alien spacecraft does not logically imply any other alien spacecraft ," Captain Macmillan said.
1The universe's most popular space commander at the moment has to be the I(...)
2Norton, like all space commanders, was a cautious man.
3Actually, interactive television has been with us since Zenith introduced the Space Commander remote control in 1962.
4We're counting on you to find out what's happening out there, a general in the space commanders warns Roy.
5Seated in an acceleration chair, a safety belt across his middle, was Space Commander Keven O'Brine, an Irishman out of Dublin.
1So it must have been Tulia teleporting herself out of the place like a space captain in a speely.
2It was another example of the clean, ordered spaces Captain Pretorius specialized in.
3Some got real big on their own-politiciansand space captains and Com police, that level.
Translations for space captain