Encara no tenim significats per a "spake before".
1But the undismayed hero spake before his kinsmen, Weep not, noble lady.
2And thus they spake before the king.
3The angels hastened thither, and they spake before God: O Lord of the world, the universe is Thine.
4At this the bold and lusty warrior spake before his kinsmen: Let be this wail, most royal queen.
5Thus they spake before the king.
6Of their lily-work I spake before.
7And Elene spake before the folk:-'Hearken, ye wise of soul, unto a holy mystery, the word and the wisdom.
8She said the live child was hers, and the other said it is mine; this they spake before the king.
9And thus they spake before the king (1 Kings 3:16-22).
10Here we are to take notice that the tables are the same, and some of them of which we spake before.
11I spake before words fitting the time, and now I am not ashamed to speak that which is contrary to them.
12And he spake as ne'er man spake before;
13Moses, of whom we spake before, was no child when he was thus taken with the beauteous glory of his Lord.
14One prophet only spake before the King, saying: The sable birds, O King, are the nights, and the white birds are the days.
15It was generally admitted, among enthusiastic hearers, that he who spake as never man spake before must have some divine commission to execute.
164:2 And he spake before his brethren and the army of Samaria, and said, What do these feeble Jews?
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Spake before a través del temps
Spake before per variant geogràfica