Completely neat and clean.
1When was the last time you ever wandered a spic-and-span midway?
2Emily glanced at the signature once more, then looked down the Preserve's joyless, spic-and-span hallway.
3It foams, making inroads into every millimeter of my face, giving a psychological spic-and-span impression.
4It's conceivable that O'Brien is just one of those neatnik sailors who keeps his boat spic-and-span.
5Back in the 1920s, when Prohibition was king, some pretty substantial people lived here and the houses looked spic-and-span then.
6The Kimuras' shop was still spic-and-span and jammed with many unidentifiable (at least to Margaret) packets, tins, and bottles.
7So we went to the experts - housekeepers at the National Trust's stately homes - for their insider tips on keeping things spic-and-span.
8It's already spic-and-span, and I know there is not much to be done, but whatever you need me to do, I'll be there, Rhoda.
9When the place was spic-and-span, the paintings secure on the walls, and the tables ready for the caterer, she drove home to shower and change.