Make froth or foam and become bubbly.
1When I reached the spume, I flung the fragments into the sea.
2The bridge just showed above the froth and spume of sea level.
3Elliot and Holt left Kusiak in a spume of whirling, blinding snow.
4Trees cover the peak as if a spume of forest has settled.
5Presently more strands came beating down on the spume to sting him.
6A few more yards, and my brains had floated with the spume.
7Slicks of spume spread fast around the ship, disappearing and reappearing incessantly.
8Gordon caught his breath and wiped river spume out of his eyes.
9The Meagre Sea chopped scant feet beneath him, and spume spattered his trousers.
10A spume of water cascaded behind and soaked us with mist.
11Suddenly a spume of molten lava shot from the peek of the volcano.
12Outside, the air was filled with the spume and shriek of bursting shells.
13Gusts of spume and foam whipped him all the way up.
14We should give the makers of this wad of spume some small credit.
15There was a feather of spume to mark the plunge and nothing else.
16She could see waves crashing against the rocks, spume leaping high.
Spume per variant geogràfica