Encara no tenim significats per a "stalwart sons".
1His death soon came, but he left five stalwart sons like himself.
2Mrs. Ray had been carried out in her chair by her stalwart sons.
3He was there with his wife, and six stalwart sons.
4She had stalwart sons of her own, but no daughters except this adopted child.
5In the main, however, the consolidation of Bulgaria was achieved by her own stalwart sons.
6Mrs. Reese had three stalwart sons, not one of whom had gone to the front.
7A mother who reared three stalwart sons- Iwillsay nothing of the daughters-cannot live without them.
8They were driven by an old man by the name of Dugan, and his two stalwart sons.
9His six stalwart sons had been too busy contributing to that prosperity to acquire any great book-learning.
10I soon found that the stalwart sons of the great gold colony were in it, and enjoying it.
11As we rode up to the door, the proprietor, attended by three stalwart sons, hastened to greet us.
12However, we forced something out of Schmick before his stalwart sons came tramping up the stairs to rescue him.
13The king looked round upon his nobles and his stalwart sons, then back again upon Aldebaran, lying in silent majesty.
14But he was a Socialist; he did not share Anna's enthusiasm for the Kaiser, the Kaiserine, and their stalwart sons.
15This time his marital bliss was more lasting, for the saga reports that his second wife bore him nine stalwart sons.
16His stalwart sons, with sport imbrowned, proud of their sire, call our attention to the sparkle in the old man's eye.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Stalwart sons a través del temps
Stalwart sons per variant geogràfica