This article has been amended to correct a dating error in the standfirst.
The standfirst originally stated that the character Dr Norton Perina was a Pulitzer Prize-winner.
References in the standfirst and article to the actor being "paid" a settlement have also been amended accordingly.
Whilst the standfirst is good for SEO and is generally useful, this text is not as compelling as the actual video.
Also the standfirst and the article have been corrected to make it clear that the OLGR has said Appco will be investigated.
The standfirst of this article was rewritten at 14:00 on 7 July at the request of the author.
An earlier version implied in the standfirst that it was chief medical officer Chris Whitty who suggested that half a million people could die.
The standfirst of this piece was edited on September 24 2013 to reflect the fact that the consultation refers to England's public forests, not Britain's.