A type of security issued by a corporation (usually together with a bond or preferred stock) that gives the holder the right to purchase a certain amount of common stock at a stated price.
Veure'n més 1 Discovering how to price volatility was the key to unlocking the stock warrant treasure trove.
2 Scholes had recently started thinking about a tough problem: how to price stock warrants .
3 The government would take stock warrants or senior debt in the company's receiving help.
4 A dominant position controls more than 90 percent of stock warrants and cash contracts.
5 The wider loss was due to a $21 million charge related to stock warrants .
6 Concessions by automakers in return for aid could include preferred stock , stock warrants and limits on executive compensation.
7 Those stock warrants could lead to the government owning half of GM, according to Barclays analyst Brian Johnson.
8 Under proposed rescue package, the government would receive stock warrants for 20 percent of the value of its loan.
9 He'd asked Buffett if he would size up the hotshot math professor who was making a killing on stock warrants .
10 It differed from other junk bond funds because it favored creditor claims and stock warrants tied to companies going through bankruptcy.
11 The stock price has fallen in recent days and is expected to settle in the mid-$40s level by next week as stock warrants start trading.
12 The trust received 362.4 million stock warrants at the end of 2009 as part of the funding for the Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association, or VEBA.
Gramàtica, pronunciació i més
Translations for stock warrant