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1An erotic Polish film that trended at 3 on Netflix over the weekend is being accused of glamourising rape, stockholm syndrome and kidnapping.
2I ask about a song on the new album called Stockholm Syndrome.
3It didn't make sense, but she supposed Stockholm syndrome didn't make sense.
4In response, Kaepernick broke down the meaning of Stockholm Syndrome on Instagram.
5But that's OK, because it seems the Stockholm syndrome is kicking in.
6That was followed by the Twitter message, Stockholm syndrome kicking in.
7Some psychiatrists suggest the Stockholm Syndrome is an unconscious survival mechanism.
8It might be Stockholm Syndrome, but I'm starting to enjoy myself.
9You basically just watch shawty get Stockholm syndrome, one person tweeted.
10It was the first step in breaking through that weird Stockholm syndrome shit.
11Don't you have to be kidnapped to suffer from Stockholm syndrome?
12That Stockholm Syndrome is real out here in these football streets.
13We survived, we made 'glacial' progress, but I think we developed collective Stockholm syndrome.
14Persons with Stockholm syndrome come to bond with their captors, even identify with them.
15You're suffering from what humans call Stockholm Syndrome: you have bonded with your captors.
16One woman who cooperated in the gang's illegal businesses later claimed she had Stockholm syndrome.
Translations for stockholm syndrome