Having the shrewd resourcefulness needed to survive in an urban environment.
1Jimmi was twenty-six, beautiful and street smart, from the Pacoima projects.
2Her voice was so familiar to me: lilting, slightly hoarse, street smart and kind.
3He might be pint-sized, but he was street smart.
4She's also naive and not very street smart... she lived in her head a little bit.
5The Red or Dead 27 funky street smart specs are a great combination of plastic and metal.
6The stories follow lead characters JC and Sufi, two street smart teenagers tackling everyday issues in their own unique way.
7Coming out of the gang and graf world of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, Fred Brathwaite was simultaneously street smart and book wise.
8He described Mr Rupert (51) as " street smart" and said he set up the criminal enterprise but let others "take the risk".
9Justin Long plays a street smart recent high school graduate, who starts a fake-come-real college for anyone who got rejected just like he did.
10I'll always have the opportunity to have a role that feels multidimensional and has a sense of intelligence whether that's book smart or street smart.
11What he lacked in polish he made up for in street smarts.
12Anna Rielly was blessed with a healthy sense of street smarts.
13He had plenty of street smarts-onemust credit him with that.
14Despite their street smarts and countless connections, they constantly seem to come up short.
15Chelsea's street smarts edged it, this time, something that Spurs must learn from, quickly.
16Street Smart The real beauty of this bike, however, is how commuter-friendly it is.