Student activist movement, defunct.
Examples for "SDS"
Examples for "SDS"
1Patients with higher education showed a lower SDS index and cognitive scale.
2Buy4Now Logistics works with SDS to cover the rest of the State.
3The 84-kDa protein was no longer observed after heating in SDS buffer.
4This has been happening since the mid 1990s, a decade before SDS.
5Likewise, they formed covalent complexes with C1s as shown by SDS-PAGE analysis.
1He helped created Students for a Democratic Society, effectively the voice for students in the north.
2In the 1960s, Students for a Democratic Society pushed for an end to the Vietnam War.
3Kathy was a founder of Students for a Democratic Society and a leader in its terrorist Weathermen faction.
4Mark Rudd, white, is the campus chairman of Students for a Democratic Society, one of the protesting organizations.
5He had been impressed with the commitment of some of the white college students , especially those connected with Students for a Democratic Society.
6I had a hard time accepting the SDS ( Students for a Democratic Society) chant: "Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?"
Translations for students for a democratic society