Encara no tenim significats per a "stunted bushes".
1Along the brink grew stunted bushes of greasewood and of sage.
2Everywhere on Long Island grew the stunted bushes, and everywhere they were valued.
3In the distance the horizon was cut by a mass of stunted bushes.
4There were a few stunted bushes upon the ridges and occasionally some small straggling pines.
5The waste lands were then great level plains covered with stunted bushes and dry heath.
6The southern side retains the character of a steep mountain-slope covered with grass and stunted bushes.
7Fifty yards or so from the land was a tiny island entirely overgrown with stunted bushes.
8Half a dozen arms were thrust eagerly forth, and searched amidst the rank grass and stunted bushes.
9As soon as they reached a patch of stunted bushes she decreed a halt and a rest.
10The higher part of the island was level and open, with here and there a few stunted bushes.
11The gigantic gum trees dwindled down to stunted bushes, and the rising ground to broken clods of earth.
12Two or three stunted bushes of a species of eucalyptus were the only trees seen, excepting the mangroves.
13The warmth was perceptible, and some few stunted bushes and trees clung to the sides of the flaming mountain.
14In the environs there was almost nothing, hardly even a few grasses, with some dwarf mimosas and stunted bushes.
15Other vegetation there was none, save some low stunted bushes, which he also gathered whenever he came across them.
16There were some stunted bushes a little out of his track, and he made for them, hoping to find water.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Stunted bushes per variant geogràfica