Encara no tenim significats per a "suction pump".
1The barge was leaping toward it as though drawn by the invisible force of some great suction pump.
2Fit the funnel into the stopper of a filter bottle, and connect the filter bottle with the suction pump.
3The use of a suction pump to promote filtration is rarely altogether advantageous in quantitative analysis, if paper filters are employed.
4The boat pounded and threshed her way forward, shipping water at every plunge, keeping Tom busy with the small suction pump.
5Bowser came up with a big improvement in 1905: He enclosed a square, metal tank in a wooden cabinet equipped with a forced- suction pump.
6Once the siphon suction pumps are in place, road usage will resume.
7Its hidden compartments were lined with finely honed contrivances, sharpened saws, and suction pumps.
8The suction pumps and other labor saving devices were examined and explained to Alfred who pretended to be deeply interested.