Encara no tenim significats per a "summed in".
1All things summed in One when the Son is in Wisdom and Intelligence, 800-u.
2The phase, through which this remarkable mind now passed, may be summed in a word-Penitence
3The result on the mind of Cain is summed in the lines on the fatal tree,-
4The results are summed in the following table:
5But Richie's is summed in "the grace of God is better than gold pieces."
6Which being summed in the whole amount
7His character in action maybe summed in two phrases,-" afactseized, and a stroke made."
8All former revelations of the divine will in regard to men's relations to men are summed in this.
9In fine, the arguments for liberty may in general be summed in a few very simple forms, as follows:
10It may be summed in a single sentence,-forgetfulnessof the past, effort in the present, and trust for the future.
11His friends project him into the political arena and the result is summed in a phrase-"Lafayette ,heain't there!"
12This function, it seemed, was going on in the parlor, which summed in itself the character of ball-room as well as drawing-room.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Summed in a través del temps
Summed in per variant geogràfica