Encara no tenim significats per a "superior degree".
1This superior degree of envy is occasioned by three principal causes:
2The possession of what is desirable, in a superior degree, is the cause of envy.
3PRELATE, n. A church officer having a superior degree of holiness and a fat preferment.
4Love, she has none, thou seest; nor ever had; at least not in a superior degree.
5Difference of condition is an obstacle to knowledge; the inferior degree cannot comprehend the superior degree.
6Either it is this, or the pioneer is possessed of a very superior degree of energy.
7All those things, with care and attention, will prove advantageous to Britain in a superior degree.
8Incest, therefore, being PERNICIOUS in a superior degree, has also a superior turpitude and moral deformity annexed to it.
9We have every species of courage in France, and to a superior degree, except that of braving public opinion.
10Indeed foresight, like insight, is common to all men: a superior degree of this common possession constitutes the prophet.
11Next to the fashion, if not in an equal or superior degree, I think my grandmother most abhorred the French.
12Some superior degree of wit or subtlety is attributed to Euthydemus, who sees the trap in which Socrates catches Dionysodorus.
13His court was formed on the model of Madrid, and displayed an equal and often superior degree of magnificence and state.
14Is it to gratify an excess of national vanity, or create a superior degree of admiration in the mind of foreigners?
15Or, SECONDLY, That it runs into the other similar and correspondent views, and gives them a superior degree of force and vivacity.
16If a man reflects he will understand the spiritual significance of the law of progress; how all moves from the inferior to the superior degree.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Superior degree a través del temps
Superior degree per variant geogràfica