Encara no tenim significats per a "suppress merriment".
1But for once her gravity resisted the suppressed merriment in his eyes.
2Her dark eyes were full of suppressed merriment as they encountered mine.
3She answered him in a voice that still quivered a little with suppressed merriment.
4The Duchess, shaken by the suppressed merriment of fat persons, relieved herself by discreet chuckles.
5The dark face was dimpling now with suppressed merriment.
6Eragon ignored her suppressed merriment and said, "Arya is an elf."
7The king listened to all this with suppressed merriment, and gave Balby a significant look.
8Moreover, he unfortunately catches his wife's eye, with a suggestion of suppressed merriment in it.
9You will pardon my suppressed merriment, but that girl certainly made you look like a trailer.
10Patches noticed that Kitty's eyes were bright with excitement, and that Phil's were twinkling with suppressed merriment.
11When they had looked their fill they came out from behind the showcase, almost bursting with suppressed merriment.
12It is no wonder that the absurdity of the old lady's proposal was the cause of poorly suppressed merriment.
13She had looked so much too pretty when she raised her head with that suppressed merriment in her glance.
14He went out, his shoulders shaking with suppressed merriment, and Miss Hitty watched him through the grimy front window.
15He laughed to himself and rolled about, until in his suppressed merriment the rose fell from his bosom, and-hestopped!
16There are prospects of a thaw to-day; and the old gentleman leaned back in his chair and shook with suppressed merriment.