1Results: MR imaging revealed a high frequency of supra- and infratentorial abnormalities.
2For the persecutions in this and succeeding administrations, see Rein, ut supra.
3The information Super Highway informs to inform supra clicks the instinct.
4For other accounts of Candish, see Purchas: ut supra, iv, book vi, chap.
5Sinking of the Spanish flagship in battle with van Noordt; ut supra, p. 45.
6Two neuroradiologists visually evaluated image distortion and quality in the supra- and infratentorial structures.
7See W.R. Wilde ut supra; and Mr. Blyth in 'Proc.
8The circumstances of Arghún's death have been noticed already (supra, p. 369).
9Capture of van Noordt's admiral's ship; ut supra, p. 46.
10This will be seen by consulting the table (supra, p 30).
11Seeing them loom, thaumaturgicked and fire-spitting, stronger than cactacae, they seemed supra-Quillers, nightmares of reaction.
12Delgado (ut supra) describes a bird called maya (Munia jagori-Cab
13Delgado (ut supra) describes a bird called lapay (Dendrocygna vagans-Eyton
14To this allusion has been already made (supra, p. 31).
15The seventh objection is that we have already discussed (supra).
16The parts more frequently affected are the supra- and infrascapularis (antea- and posteaspinatus) muscles.