The muscular back part of the shank.
First lunar month of the Javanese calendar.
A Chadic language spoken in Plateau State, Nigeria.
1As God says to Muhammad in an early sura of the Koran:
2Rapp muttered a quick sura in Arabic and then repeated his assertion.
3Can you include a sura from the Koran in your prayer?
4For example, the opening sura called the Fatihah:
5Y: Those who believe say, "Why is not a sura sent down (for us)?"
6The sura ends in a mood of fierce exultation unrivalled by any ecstatic utterances of his early visions.
7The Annunciation of the Virgin is recounted at sura 19.16-21 and sura 3.45-48:
8From sura 9.69 it is clear that unbelievers will roast forever.
9Rain, we are told in sura 7.56, is a harbinger of God's mercy.
10The Prophet came down from the mountain one day and recited the sura, number 53, called an-Najm, the Star.
11This is the disposition of the Almighty, the All-Knowing One. (sura 41.9)
12When Muslims hear a sura chanted in the mosque, they are reminded of all the central tenets of their faith.
13Let us look at the Koran first, sura 19.22f.
14Some stories show powerful Qurayshis who remained steadfastly with the opposition being visibly shaken when they listened to a sura.
15And verse after verse, sura after sura, we are told about the fire, always the scorching fire, the everlasting fire.
16The first has Umar discovering his sister, who had secretly become a Muslim, listening to a recitation of a new sura.