Naturally having skin of a dark color.
Examples for "dusky"
Examples for "dusky"
1The air was dusky; the cold, in spite of the fire, intolerable.
2Wider the door swung and several dusky faces appeared in the opening.
3He scowled threateningly as he eyed the dusky figure in the doorway.
4But in the gloom his dusky hue was only the more accentuated.
5Look at that great honey-colored moon that hangs in the dusky air.
1You must have noticed him among the company: a swarthy sneering fellow.
2Behind the swarthy Mountain the sun had gone down in waveless gold.
3Still, in a general way, it was very swarthy and wrinkled-quiteape-like.
4Brewster looked the swarthy gentleman over with unconcealed disgust in his eyes.
5A look of intelligence shot across the swarthy features of the chief.
1Presumably we can expect the same here among Ireland's new dark-skinned population.
2The stringy, yet short, dark-skinned Mawikizi returned the salute with a smile.
3First, there are dark-skinned Africans like those of Uganda and the Congo.
4In a short time we saw his dark-skinned face close to us.
5But it was the attentive dark-skinned carver, in particular, that galled him.
1Demetrios reflected for a while, rather sadly; then his swart face cleared.
2The swart man was the proprietor of a moving-picture-theater in Market Street.
3The black jades of swart night trot foggy rings 'Bout heaven's brow.
4The priest was a thin, swart, intense young man with a bang.
5His swart face reddened, and the fine lines of his handsome mouth hardened.
6And so they came to the swart arboreal precipice of the unpassable forest.
7A swart greasy man in notable clothes was waiting in the outer room.
8Joe Paradise, the swart aging man with the big mustache, grunted, How do.
9His companion was swart and bandy-legged, with rat-eyes and a much-broken hooked nose.
10Now crows the cock with feathers swart; The gates of heaven fly wide apart.
11The dwarfish Obelisk, like a pointed tombstone, lay swart and square in its center.
12His blade, piercing the swart curtain, met with no resistance.
13Something approaching almost to a smile crossed the hunter's swart visage at this reply.
14And she, the swart Egyptian-shecursed me by her gods.
15A spasm of pain, like a ripple over water, crossed the knight's swart face.
16And swart Work sullen sits in the hillside fern
Swart per variant geogràfica