Encara no tenim significats per a "swell affair".
1It was quite a swell affair, and there weren't enough men.
2Hell of a swell affair; got guests here from Leavenworth, Wallace, and all around.
3In March 1866 their house was ready enough to give 'a dance, a very swell affair'.
4The evening after I lost my roll I was to attend a swell affair up on Temple Street.
5It's a regular swell affair, and I tell you I had great difficulty in getting hold of the tickets.
6It was to be a swell affair on Temple Street, and the sophs were certain to wear their dress suits.
7And I wanted her to see one of our real swell affairs.
8Suggestive indeed that at the swellest of all swell affairs in the American metropolis there should appear, according to the press dispatches, ten Mme.
9"I didn't know it was going to be such a swell affair, or I shouldn't have come," he said.
10"This is cert'nly a swell affair," they confided to each other in whispers behind the back of their hands after the first formal greetings.
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