And then simultaneously, each word exactly synchronising, the two girls said:
How synchronising a soundtrack to stories might increase reading comprehension and engagement among children.
Their synchronising was faulty, as between the different sectors attacked.
By synchronising their movements, they slowly begin to feel like the experimenter's body is their own.
They even generated the railway timetables with this computer, synchronising deliveries of victims to the maw of the machine.
He supplies the code and executes the command, beginning a new countdown of his own, synchronising with his personal timepiece.
No, but he was planning, co-ordinating and synchronising significant operations against US military forces in the region, and it was imminent.
Sometimes I cannot do the synchronising, my head gets so thick; and I have to take two or three days for it.
To settle the matter I started hunting for the fragments of the generator, and to my consternation found that the synchronising coils had been short-circuited.
Synchronising activities is always a challenge, and we do make it easier.
Synchronising people's lives with their internal sleep clocks is important "because it will make people healthier, live longer and will reduce costs for society".
"I had to make a synopsis of the state of Europe from the third century to the tenth; synchronising the event and the names."