Union of gametes of opposite sexes during the process of sexual reproduction to form a zygote.
Examples for "conception"
Examples for "conception"
1But the difficulty lies less in the execution than in the conception.
2The seventh study differs in conception from the rest; it stands alone.
3The optimal time to conception continues to remain an area of contention.
4The central figure is naked Nature resting in the period of conception.
5His startled mind rose to the conception; this also is in life.
1Soil management and fertilization strategy could be responsible factors for these changes.
2In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer technology can help to achieve pregnancy.
3The demo farms will use advanced irrigation, fertilization and crop management techniques.
4Sperm-oocyte membrane fusion is one of the most important events for fertilization.
5Specific fertilization treatments impacted both the structure and function of protist communities.
1The DNA of the individual human being is set down at fertilisation.
2Further, the plants produced by the illegitimate method of fertilisation showed, e.g.
3Then there is another source of fertilisation nearly as productive and valuable.
4Unless, of course, she is talking of other than natural fertilisation.
5However, I do not believe that life starts at the moment of fertilisation.
1After Love Story was released, the rate of impregnation suddenly shot up.
2Characterization analyses confirmed the successful impregnation of curcumin into the BC matrix.
3The French and Italian olive oil is usually free from this impregnation.
4The medical literature relative to precocious impregnation is full of marvelous instances.
5Such impregnation methods double or treble the life of railway ties.
1All these symbols of fecundation, these perfumes, radiations, and breathings overwhelmed him.
2Religions need a mutual learning, a mutual conversion, and even a mutual fecundation.
3That the seeds exist in the ovarium many days before fecundation.
4Woman passes through the stages of fecundation, pregnancy, and lactation.
5Seashells suggest an ear; a swarm of ants, fecundation.