A metal container used for boiling water for tea.
Examples for "kettle"
Examples for "kettle"
1Today we have the new Response, a color changing kettle from Kenwood.
2High rise informal settlements are a different kettle of fish, he said.
3The water in the kettle was boiling and he made the coffee.
4The bright copper kettle and the tin dish shine in the sun.
5Put the remainder of the birds in the kettle for a stew.
1Just above the small alcohol lamp the teakettle was beginning to sing.
2Because I really went ass over teakettle to try to accommodate him.
3At least he'd hear Fuhr coming, hissing and spraying like a teakettle.
4There was a small fire in it, over which her teakettle hung.
5She soon returned with a huge brass teakettle of the Russian type.
1The tea kettle began to hiss just as the rains started, again.
2The wooden handle of a tea kettle on the grate was burning.
3Then she banged the tea kettle angrily back on the stove.
4He set the tea kettle down and stepped swiftly over beside her bunk.
5The tea kettle meanwhile was standing on a beautifully set table.
6He smiled, and bid his daughter put on the tea kettle.
7Gogarty took the tea kettle off the fire and poured out two cups.
8He thought he would be much better off as a nice tea kettle.
9She was boiling like a little tea kettle, and she was pretty thirsty.
10No tea kettle, no slamming of a screen door-therewas nothing.
11Egwene was humming as she filled the tea kettle from a bulging waterbag.
12By the time they had washed and dressed the tea kettle was singing merrily.
13The electric tea kettle makes a brew to charm the heart of a connossieur.
14The large tea kettle was on the back burner, poking along on low heat.
15Likewise, by the same token, this tea kettle, set on the flame, will boil.
16With the tea kettle still in his hands, he leaned forward to kiss me.