Encara no tenim significats per a "tell well".
1To run under a river would tell well at home.
2English blood is apt to tell well on the stock upon which it is engrafted.
3I can tell well enough what will happen, Lew.
4This story will not tell well in history.
5Mrs. Launce was disappointed-Petercould tell well enough.
6Well- "heshut his lips a moment-"thesethings don't tell well, but something happened.
7A wood-block print will not tell well amid a wilderness of bric-à-brac or on a gaudy wall-paper.
8Won't it tell well in a court of justice, of a magistrate, a county gentleman, a Kearney of Kilgobbin?
9Why, I could tell well in advance when any particular fly was making up its mind to begin to play.
10Of course he wanted to come out on the right side of the peril, it does not tell well otherwise.
11She knew he wasn't one to tell well-ordered stories in this manner, and she appreciated his concentration and use of detail.
12Suppose, now,-justsuppose,-that we take a moonlight flitting from Bath, will that tell well for you whom we leave behind?
13I know that Christians are thus apt to regard them; but it does not tell well for their charity or their knowledge.
14They know that a story is the easiest thing to read and to listen to, and also the hardest to tell well.
15But as you put the case, it tells well against me.
16She is quite lady-like, and I am told well educated and clever too.'
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Tell well a través del temps
Tell well per variant geogràfica